I downloaded the code from this web site, not sure which one is more up to date. The other problem is, it takes quite a lot of time investment to scan over incomplete code and work out what its doing and whats missing. Ideally this sort of thing is bound up into an easy to use library. with functions like…
emitter *AnEmmitter;
al_LoadEmitter(AnEmmitter,”filepath”);//load the emitter
al_SetEmitterPropertys(AnEmmitter);//set up any special stuff for emitter
al_processEmitter(AnEmmitter);//cycle the data to the next frame
al_drawemitter(AnEmmitter,X,Y,scale);//draw the current emitter frame
The guy who wrote the code in the first place could knock out these allegro functions in just a few hours… allegro is childs play even to new programmers (which is why i use it š ).
Allegro is crossplatform and will work on quite a few systems, with no input from the original developer.
Most people using allegro are using it to make games, which is exactly the market that timelinefx is aimed at.