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@thomashaaks wrote:
The “circular import” issue sounds to me like a design issue – that Mr Sibly doesn’t want to change.
It’s actually not possible to change it because imports are pre-compiled. Without both types present in the file that form a cyclical reference, the file wont compile. To change the import to allow it to import uncompiled code, gives you the same thing as an included file. So they are really designed for two different purposes.
If you split your types off into separate files and then include them all into your main file, you should be fine. You can also cheat a bit by making your game object Global. I know it is best to avoid Global variables. However, when something is unique and is going to be referred to throughout your code, a handful of Global variables wont hurt. It also saves popping and pushing them from the function calling stack at every object creation and saves the 4 bytes of pointer memory in every object that points to the Global object.