New Beta Version of TimelineFX available

There’s a new Beta version available! The latest version has a big new feature, each effect now keeps a history of all changes, so you can go back to a previous version of the effect at any time. These are all listed on the new History tab. History doesn’t currently save with the effects, but may do in a future version.

This is essentially undo, which has bee a long time coming, but better late than never! There’s no keyboard short-cuts yet but there will be before the final version is released.

You can try the new beta version here: Download beta (PC only, Mac coming soon). I have tested a lot but do back up all you work as it is still a beta! Of course please give any feedback and bug reports either here or email me

This is the first of what I hope will be lots more updates in the future. TimelineFX has always been second to my main job of web developing, but since going freelance back in October 2014, I’ve slowly been scheduling my time more towards TimelineFX with the hope that if I start bringing more products and features in the realm of particle effects I’ll be able to do it full time.

Thanks to everyone for your continued support and for purchasing TimelineFX!